Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Look Out For the G8/G20 Train Wreck!

From June 25th - 28th the local aviation community adjacent to Toronto will have the pleasure of dealing with the G8/G20 conference.

How should a conference of world leaders affect aviation?

Well let's start by noting that we now live in an age of letting the terrorists win by creating the chaos that results from over secure actions. Those who know little of aviation, but think they know everything about terrorists are making the choices for us. And how is that going? Well let's just say it becomes reaallllyyyy messy and complicated.

From what we hear so far regarding this event in our region - and FYI what we hear changes daily or more - well this one is looking to be a total screw up for anyone trying to move around the airspace that surrounds Toronto and a corridor north to Huntsville. Basically they want a 15 mile (according to the news today) sterile fly zone from the CN Tower. That effectively closes the three regional airports - or restricts them so badly that operations are effectively done. The bigger challenge - getting a straight answer on the whole thing so you can plan. Nobody involved wants to commit to something you can hang your hat on - yet. They will tell some of us - when they are ready - and they are not sure when that might be yet.

I pity Skyservice at Toronto. They are effectively being closed for anywhere from two to four days - along with their tenants and so forth. Why? Because they want the mid-field area of YYZ sterile and controlled. Landmark at the north end of the airport will be open but again restricted. All told there could be 120 aircraft coming to the event. And at a time where you would think we want to put our national pride hat on and show the right stuff, we are being told that the corporate aviation service sector is not needed for this event - so go home, shut down, take a holiday. Mr. Harper and company said to. As for say Buttonville picking up the business and lending a hand - problem there too. It falls within the 15 mile zone and again - cannot get a straight answer about what can and cannot be done.

So who is going to handle all these global VVIPs? According to organizers they will use the air force, army and baggage handlers from the airport. Hold on - thought we wanted this secure? Someone may have some splannin to do on that decision. Especially in light of all corporate aviation/FBO types having current and proven backgrounds - but we are not going to use them. Do the baggage handlers at YYZ have clean backgrounds?

This whole mess goes on from there. Suffice it to say those of us who know about these things can see the light - and it is a train - and it is heading right for this event.

And who you ask is the genius behind all this? Well the same folks who brought us the security mess and financial disaster at the Winter Olympics. The same group now being sued by ATAC for all the stupidity and cost. And when this one is done - hold on to your hats - we get to do it all over again in the late summer/early fall when the Summit of the Americas comes to town. Oh boy! More fun!

I can just hear the lawyers warming up the litigation now. Yes once again - aviation and twisted logic collide. And aviation as usual looses out.

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