Wednesday, April 14, 2010

The First Posting.

It is always an interesting time when you sit to write something. You stare at the space and mentally develop your thought. For some of us this comes easier than to others. I guess I am lucky that way. It never takes much once I have the inspiration.

For me, writing was something I fell into thanks to a publisher many years ago. I complained that the editorial in her magazine was biased towards our competition in the business. Her reply was to write an article and she would publish it - with editing of course. Looking back it was horrible and more advertorial than editorial. Perhaps in hindsight she was trying to teach me a lesson too.

That was the start of it for me. I learned to challenge what you read and be able to back it up with a counterpoint or rebuttal. I still remember one of my senior year high school teachers telling us to fight the system, not accept what "they" told us and be very willing to send letters and challenge the norm (well it was the 70s). At any rate, that was how it started I guess.

My aviation creative scribing only came to be about 13 or 14 years ago. Again a publisher was the driver however in this case it was a US publication looking for the Canadian view on something. I gave it to him. He paid me. It made sence and we went on from there. So this has become part of the business mix for me. That said, this is an industry that provides ample opportunity for me exercise the creativity. There is always something it seems to rant about, expand upon or simply report.

Getting on board with current social marketing is something we preach to clients and felt was time to put into play for ourselves. So hence this blog. It is a chance for me and my associate from out west Rick Pollock to vent a little, communicate and not blindly accept the status quo. Plus I think some days it just feels best to put your thought down - read it - ponder it - and then decide if it is worth saying or publishing. Either way it makes me feel better.

So here is the first one. Others to follow. Frequency undertermined at this point. Feedback welcome.



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