Thursday, October 4, 2012

How great things grow . . .

From humble beginnings.

I had the pleasure back in my 20s of being part of a very special and at that time unique aviation experience. Little did I know that the experiences I gained and the tuition it offered would become the skills and background I call on today in many different ways. The Canadian Warplane Heritage Museum (CWH) was in its infancy then and became my second home – as was the case for many like-minded aviation folks. This year marks the 40th Anniversary for what is Canada’s – and for that matter one the worlds – largest collections of flying vintage aircraft. In the years since this group started, it certainly has grown and seen not only its fair share of change, but also survived and bettered itself from incidents that would have closed most operations. The museum we see today is a fine and well developed machine focused on preserving aviation history, being publicly accessible and taking itself out to other aviation locations to broaden its reach. And as it turns 40 it is only fair to look back and see how this impressive organization grew and developed from very simple and humble beginnings. It truly is an “if you build it they will come” scenario.

In the early 1970s, businessmen and friends Dennis Bradley and Alan Ness decided to take their love of aviation to a new level through joint ownership and operation of a high performance aircraft. They thought they wanted a Spitfire. A lead for one in Australia actually turned out to be a Fairey Firefly. Neither of them (or for that matter most of us back then) really knew anything about it. At the 1971 Oshkosh Air Show Dennis learned of a Firefly based at Wadley, Georgia. The owner had intended to turn it into a transcontinental racer but never started.

Dennis and Alan approached John Weir and Peter Matthews to join them as partners in the venture. Travelling to Georgia they found the Firefly sitting in a cornfield. After inspection determined it to be restorable, they purchased it for $10,000. Several weeks later, the Griffon engine was fired up and the Firefly headed towards Toronto. The pilot got as far as Fredericksburg, Virginia, where a hydraulic failure forced him to land with the tail wheel retracted. Dennis and Alan rented a Twin Commanche and flew to Virginia. They were met there by Firefly owner who flew up in his Cessna 310. The Firefly was rendered ferryable and the old owner headed north in it, being followed in formation with Dennis and Alan. The Firefly was equipped with only basic instruments - no compass or radio. The formation encountered poor weather and became separated near the north shore of Lake Ontario. Dennis and Alan landed at the Toronto Island Airport for customs only to discover the Firefly had just arrived ahead of them without communication to the tower. Toronto International Airport was where the restoration was to take place. On starting the Firefly for the short flight there the Kaufmann starter on the engine became unserviceable.  They managed to get running using ropes, tires and a truck borrowed from the airport manager. Once again in flight the Firefly became separated from the group and controllers at Toronto Centre provided radar vectors to the “Nordo” aircraft. They eventually formed up again and were cleared to land.

Restoration work commenced almost immediately and on June 4, 1972 the Fairey Firefly was test flown. At this time all four partners came to the realization that flying a vintage warbird exposed them to certain liabilities. They decided to operate the aircraft through a non-profit corporation and named it "Canadian Warplane Heritage."

By 1973 CWH was calling Mount Hope Airport its home. In March of that year charitable foundation status was obtained and a Chipmunk donation started the expansion of the collection. More aircraft followed, the Harvard and Tiger Moth, followed by the Corsair. The rest as they say is history. One hangar became two. More aircraft and members followed.  Even the devastating fire of 1993 was turned into a positive with the building of the current museum facility – a $12 million dollar purpose designed and build home to one of this countries most valued aviation trusts.

I remember sitting in the original CWH hangar years ago with Dennis and I asked him as we looked around  “did you ever plan on it becoming something like this?” His reply was a simple “no” with a big smile. Funny thing how the right idea can become something incredible and take on a life of its own. 

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